

CV: Minase Suzuka

RJ Code: RJ329632

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Last update: 2021/06/14

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1 comment

  1. Hebi-chan

    Well, the 360° microphone didn’t disappoint me, but it could’ve ended better!
    The first scene was hot and her awkwardness turning into lust was just so cute! The vibrator walk and the next sex scene was epic! From the building up excitement to the point of not caring anymore of being heard. That second scene was really good!

    But the last one… Ugh… Maybe I was expecting something more intense. At least the ear licking was good! I didn’t trust the sound effects but that ear licking was not too loud and not to crazy, just the right amount of perversion.

    If you wanna listen to it all at once, then I would recommend you to stop at the second scene, because I think the third one isn’t as intense as the second one.
    BUT!! If you wanna listen to a single part per day or something like that, then I think this is pretty good!

    It isn’t the best I’ve heard, but I would definitely recommend it!!

    Her personality goes from awkwardly shy to straight up perverted in a steady, but sexy way.

    *Happy snake noises*

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