

CV: Aino Mimori

RJ Code: RJ400967

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Last update: 2022/08/07

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  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    NTRあるあるを愚直なまでに詰め込んだ安直なシナリオながら、みもり氏の高い演技力も相まって非常に高いクオリティに仕上がってる作品 恐ろしすぎる

  3. Anonymous

    It is not the sequel of RJ404181 (another NTR work done by Aino Mimori). MC was invited by their club Sempai to a karaoké, and decides to invite his GF, but ultimately can’t come because reasons… If you know, you know.

    What can I say about this one? Pretty classic NTR type B setup. It is closer to the rape spectrum, as there are drugs involved, so it is not my cup of tea.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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