

CV: Mashiro Kazahana

RJ Code: RJ374569

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Last update: 2022/02/15

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  1. BloodyAsura

    Judging by her moans, she gets a sea of pain instead of a sea of pleasure.

    English is not my native language so I apologize if there are any mistakes.

  2. Anonymous

    Okay bois here we go again. GF has to go to a training camp with the football team, as their manager. Everyday she will call MC and that’s where we hear her getting gangbanged by the team. The track format reminded me of RJ323076, a netorase work where GF is calling MC but since MC sanctioned it, it was expected. In this work, I can hardly visualize MC talking serenely while GF is getting riled like crazy and not noticing anything. That breaks immersion. Treat this like a voyeur work, it worked better for me.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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