

CV: Haru Koyama

RJ Code: RJ331295

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Last update: 2021/06/20

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  1. Anonymous

    うぁー腹いっぱい。うぃーすどうもー、すくらでーす。今回はちょっとぽたでらの配信で、メタルホークが出たとゆう事で。メタルホークの、発狂地帯を、デタラメで。全良いで。通したいと思います。まあ発狂地帯以外は可320でも、そこら辺は、ちょっとお願いします。じゃあ早速。ミュージックスタート!。ヘイ (手拍子)(手拍子)

    • Anonymous

      🙁 it’s okay fren. If you didn’t fail the class you should be fine and you can retake it otherwise. I failed a bunch of finals in my undergrad but I still pulled through and you can too!

    • Beteleguse O Romane Conti

      Well…yes it fucking sucks, but the thing is, you will fail again, and it might just not make any fucking God Damn sense…you might fail even if you give it your best shot…you might even be better then anyone, or you might just not like it…well, both sides, either you like it or not, it’s important if you’re doing what is best to reach your goal. This exam can be completely unrelated to your goal…I’m not saying ignore it, I’m saying: Who cares! FUCK IT, just try to pass it. But, if it’s a related thing to your goal, then try to learn the problems, and have some FUCKING BALLS to do what is right for your goal…Try for your goal and the Certificate related to your exam(High school or University). These fails will keep happening even more in the future…just focus on your goal, and understand the value of things(what’s important and what’s meh for your goal), and my friend, if you’re reading this, although idk how old you are, but my finally word is: Do what you think is best for you, because everything is on you and how you learn from people and sources around you.

    • D

      I’m sure you’ve tried your best and I’m proud of you for that. Scores aren’t everything in life so just keep doing your best!

  2. Anonymous


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