Kissing the Petal: A happy ever after kiss

その花びらにくちづけを ずっと幸せなキス

CV: Uchino Pochi, 十色冬香

RJ Code: RJ170821

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Last update: 2021/06/18

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  1. OwO

    This Sonohana have all of things you want: Anime, Lightnovel game include voice char with many many couple from loli-bb to bb-bb to loli-loli,… Novel text, audio, boardcast story on YT, funny manga 4koma. I wonder that Sonohanabira actually how many fans they have. I see the company have improve every field just for yuri, just for all of these pure beautiful couple

  2. Cultured Fella

    What a coincidence, I just downloaded this game yesterday. Now I can enjoy this with some context aswell sick.

  3. Anonymous

    Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo… It’s been years since I heard that name…

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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