

CV: Fuji Ritsuka, Umine Neu

RJ Code: RJ328275

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Last update: 2021/06/08

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  1. Anonymous

    I will never, ever understand a fetish of someone else having sex instead of yourself.

    Is it some sort of self-humiliation play?

  2. Anonymous


  3. Anonymous

    Oooooooooh, I see now… So this BSS, huh? MC told Tomoya he liked an girl called Rin, and Tomoya supports MC… Unfortunately, Rin loves Tomoya, so H ensues… I see… Hence the BSS, because MC loved her first but ended up with Tomoya. Not my cup of tea but I can see why people prefer that than NTR

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • Anonymous

        Don’t worry bro. BSS means “Boku ga Saki ni Suki datta no ni”. It can be translated as “even though I loved her first”. It is a NTR subgenre in which MC loves a girl, either of them are in a relationship and the girl dates someone else in the end. I hope I answered your question.

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

    • Anonymous

      BBS stands for a kind of NTR feelings to someone you liked first but It got stolen away. The MC was never in a relationship

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