[Binaural] 15 Days of Masturbation! 7 Days On, 7 Days Off, and 1 BIG Finale!


CV: Azukisawa Riruha

RJ Code: RJ298998

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Last update: 2021/01/13

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  1. The Entrepreneur

    This is genius. Masturbating with someone else is a wonderful experience, although, involving risk in arbitrary situations. This, however, is able to provide you with the pleasure of the situation while containing zero risk of conventional methods. It brought an idea to my head, of a utility, much like the the dating apps we see today where you can match with partners to go on dates and so on, however, in this case not for dating purposes but to masturbate with each other over a voice- or video-call. Such a method “could” possibly fulfill the requirements for safe, nonetheless, interactive solution to the problems stated above as well as contain generous profit for a successful implementation.

    Yours truly The Entrepreneur

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