I’m a Bit Interested in Vomiting…

【嘔吐実演&生音】 わたくし、少々嘔吐を嗜んでおりますの

CV: Runoa

RJ Code: RJ293121

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Last update: 2020/07/30

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  1. Anonymous

    Well, here I am at rock bottom. now there’s only one thing for me to do
    dig deeper.
    I originally listened to this one for the title because I was actually a bit interested in vomit, and now uhhhhh, yeah I’m interested in vomit. as a gateway to another level of degeneracy that I have passed I gotta say, I liked this performance. of course, if you don’t like the sounds of vomit your not gonna like it but if you do or you not sure then id definitely recommend it as I was (for a lack of a better word) pleasantly surprised by the fact that I liked it. the gagging was very irrumatio-esqe as expected from the artwork and the actual vomiting was relatively erotic for me too. voice actors did great work
    and have a lovely day, dwellers of this hole
    written all the way from jail, you stepsis’s male friend

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