

CV: Hana Anzu, Yui Otokura

RJ Code: RJ01145674

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Last update: 2024/02/08

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  1. lj,n.

    Good premise and decent voice actors but absolutely lackluster ending. I wanted the GF to become completely mindbroken by the end and the guy’s sexfriend/slave as well but instead she just passes out and it abruptly ends. So much wasted potential…

  2. Anonymous

    Another one. Congratulations, MC, you played yourself. They circumvented the need of speaker SFX by including the GF’s friend breathing. It really latches you into the fact that you are catching a video. A bit of a slip-up at the end, they left the no-go audios.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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