

CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

RJ Code: RJ01005642

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Last update: 2023/01/04

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  1. Anonymous

    How can anyone watch this circle when they have the EXACT same bgm with the super annoying bird sound that loops like every 30s??? Legitimately, whenever i try to watch something from them, i hear that FUCKING bird call and i want to stab my ears. And all i can think about is how it’s going to play in another 30s and it does and i want to stab my ears again.

      • Anonymous

        Does it seriously not bother anyone else? It’s too conspicuous for my brain to tune out, and it repeats far too frequently and periodically to be ignored as a natural random bird sound.

        It’s not even some normal semi-audible chirping, it’s a distinct *whooping*. This actually makes me so irrationally angry.

    • F

      Its a sound of insects that usually appear every summer. If you think that sounds annoying then you probably never touch grass

    • にがい

      that ain’t bird what the hell? It’s called cicada, a species of insect lives all around old world and new world. Where tf do you live, huh?

      • Anonymous

        Okay, yes it’s an insect, whatever, not sure exactly how I mistook it for a bird, not like I’m an aspiring zoologist, but whatever it is, everything else I said still stands. It’s so loud, and why would anyone put a 30 second audio clip on repeat in the background of an asmr? It’s more like cicada asmr while some chick makes mouth noises or whatever.

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