

CV: Narumi Aisaka

RJ Code: RJ395684

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Last update: 2022/06/18

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  1. Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      She loves you, you love her. But what else do you love? That’s right, you love NTR. She found out that you love NTR, and out of her love for you, she suggested being fucked by another man and recording it to show it to you. Which you agreed to. That’s the gist of the story.

    • Anonymous

      On the end after she did the ultimate ntr experiment that made the boyfriend blackout, She show that the entire time she was faking her reactions to make the ntr more realistic for her boyfriend.
      She never considered the guy fucking her more then a tool to make the Mc excited on this ntr experiment that he wanted.

      She profoundly apologizes because she gets that she has gone too far on the acting (still using her assassins training).

      Like… during the ntr you see that she gets more excited when someone pats her head, but looking back on old tracks you understand that is because that is something that the Mc did when he rescued her, so she still very conscious of it, and is even more conscious when the Mc is the one to do it.

      On the end after she apologized the couple start to make out while she gets embarrassed and murmurs “honestly only you can make my heart beat like this”

      In short mister boyfriend is a lucky individual.

  2. 絶望だ

    lets see… its a NTR revolving mainly on the boyfriend POV.
    The story is that somehow he got an ex-assassin from some organization has his girlfriend, the first 3 track revolve about them. Happy moments, happy relationship, she is a little sad that she does not change much of her facial expression during the act because of her training (lol), etc…

    On the third track the girl goes saying that she know that he is into ntr because she put spying stuff on the house/room, she says she cant understand this yada yada… but is going to try it once for his sake…

    From there she disappears for some time, i think a day, and goes reporting what happened to her while doing a handjob and etc. Then there is the usual stuff of this kind of NTR.

    i listened because it is Narumi Aisaka, and also because i love when she uses this kind of voice tone. probably im going to buy it.

  3. Anonymous


    • Anonymous


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