ウラガワ ~幼馴染のお姉ちゃんが年上の先輩に寝取られるまで~

ウラガワ ~幼馴染のお姉ちゃんが年上の先輩に寝取られるまで~

CV: Flan Kulumu

RJ Code: RJ381123

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Last update: 2022/04/04

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  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    It’s been a long time since I came here. It’s good to be back. Here, most classic definition and structure of school NTR. It is quite good, the SFX are well cadenced, the VA could be a little more vocal. But the essential is here. Track 1 (MC’s POV), you can hear that GF is a little bit underwhelmed by his performance. And she is being less and less satisfied. @40:00 She said : “Should we go together? Ok, promised. Er, please go before me” but she was talking to the other MC. Then, MC caught them in the act. Here, the through-the-wall SFX was justified. She did not care and ends up with oMC (hence NTR).

    Track 2 is the other MC’s (oMC) POV. You discover that GF was charmed by oMC before the first track of Track 1. She did mention at the confrontation that she was the onee-san of the couple and she wanted to be manheld. oMC, typical senpai he is, reeks of NTR masculinity. He threatenes her with a photo, but she gradually likes it… You know the drill (hence netori).

    So if you want “romance” choose Track 2, if you want NTR choose Track 1.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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