

CV: Kaede Akino

RJ Code: RJ371897

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Last update: 2022/02/01

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    • Anonymous


  1. cheese

    bruh 1tb of data i wouldve had expected 4tb of data, since most audio files are 100+mb

    anyways we hope there might be some sort of way to help donations or something idk, gg admin youre a very epic man

  2. Anonymous

    Gosh, re-uploading all audio data!?
    Thank you admin to your hard work.
    And some technical tips,
    SSD has maximum writable data size (called TBW stands for Tera Byte Write) beside data capacity, so this might cause data lost.
    Construct RAID or cloning data drive might be able to prevent this problem, it is costly though.
    And there is a cloning device which can clone drives without your computer, you may check this out.

  3. Anonymous


    I’m currently reuploading all audio files (>1 TB of data) so it’ll take some time

  4. Anonymous

    A well needed break for me, gonna talk a walk outside and touch some grass. Thank you for your hardwork admin! You should set up somewhere people can donate or something

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