

CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

RJ Code: RJ345929

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Last update: 2021/11/07

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  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    Man, those BSS are getting more and more brutal by the day… For most of the work duration, I thought the circle messed with my preconception biases : we see on the illustration a tall upperclassman (equivalent to a superior man in the cultured world), blonde (equivalent to a delinquent in Japan), muscular (equivalent to a big D in the R-18 ASMR world). All of this should amount to a classic hierarchy NTR but here it did not. Then in the last 20 to 18 minutes, I felt the same violence as in RJ307977 (infamous YUKITEGRA NTR work). I came to the conclusion that, unfortunately, the voiced part may only give one side to the story… Let’s say one and a half side. Because, if you focus only on track1, it is a love story between a girl and a senpai getting closer and closer and more and more intense with each other and at a fast pace. The B track is the through-the-wall POV. It feels very much like voyeurism. Tsubame Yuzuki is doing a great job portraying a bit boyish with a bit of a deep voice, as usual.

    Good luck for NNN,
    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  3. Anonymous


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