

CV: Narumi Aisaka

RJ Code: RJ324819

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Last update: 2021/05/12

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  1. mekdu

    this is too heartwarming for me, I cried in one minute coz I’ve never experienced such extent of mother’s love and I got overwhelmed

  2. Hebi-chan

    I listened to this while taking a little nap and I almost cried. I forgot how it feels like to be cared for and having someone who listens to you and feels truly interested in everything you do, no matter how silly it is. The way she reacts to what you’re doing and saying like it’s the most precious thing in the world is like a healing potion. When she goes “Aw, you’re so cute!” and picks you up to hug you and says how much she loves you it makes me feel so… Cared for. This is truly heartwarming. This one goes straight into my favorite ones. I’ll definitely listen to it from time to time.

    For those who need a little motherly love, this one is just for you. Go back in time and feel like a kid once again. Even if you had a nice childhood, her love will definitely make you feel like you can do anything!

    So it says the little snake~ take care.

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