Buying a Schoolgirl Slut for 20K


CV: Sayaka Shirosawa

RJ Code: RJ319302

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Last update: 2021/04/04

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  1. ASMRIsLife

    Alright, even as a person with a rape/non-con fetish the full on crying (really well acted btw) is quite off putting. I can put up with a certain level of “sobbing” in these types of works, but this goes way over that line. I can tolerate these and worse types of scenarios in doujins cause there’s no sound. A damn shame too, I think the acting and script are pretty good, and the concept itself is very enticing to me. Hopefully we’ll get a similar work in the future that tones it back a bit, maybe has her start enjoying it against her judgment; ya know, normal anime rape stuff.

    • Rape God

      Stop your whining. You obviously isn’t someone who enjoy rape works. You should stop your unhealthy deception to yourself regarding your love for rape works. Rape works obviously isn’t for everybody. If you are a person who truly love rape works; it doesn’t matter which medium you consume, you would still love it.

    • Anonymous

      like the other guys said, maybe that just means this isn’t your thing. as with anything, there’s a spectrum, and this just seems to fall on the “too intense” side of the spectrum for you. i know i personally wouldn’t even touch this spectrum of content bc it’s not for me, but i’m not gonna shame anyone for enjoying it

  2. Enthusiast

    This is the type of asmr im looking for where there is this closeness i feel, but the context is a turnoff for me. Looking forward to whats to come with the stuff they got going here tho.

  3. Anonymous

    Holy fuck my dick shriveled up up when she started crying and screaming , nah bro thats not my cup of tea mate

  4. Crone :/

    I like the idea of fucking a girl until she’s screaming but like this is just her literally crying because she’s getting r***d. (Obviously not actually) but like who calling the shots to make this type of content. I just feel shitty after nutting man, I’m gonna go be in the wholesome section, you can go find me there.

    • Rape God

      Stop your whining. You obviously isn’t someone who enjoy rape works. You should stop your unhealthy deception to yourself regarding your love for rape works. Rape works obviously isn’t for everybody. If you are a person who truly love rape works; it doesn’t matter which medium you consume, you would still love it.

  5. Sad doge

    i feel like one of those ugly bastard in hentai but if everyone hates ugly bastards why they use them all the time i wonder cultural difference perhaps ehh either way i feel horny and shit in the same time what kind of dilemma is this I do not wish to be horny anymore.. I just want to be Happy. (︶︹︺)

    • Possibly a feminisit and unreasonable guy or girl

      Go get yourself castrated. You could eternally only be emotionally happy. Problem solved.
      #malesareanimalswhoseefemalesasasexobjectonly #metoo #sexisimmoral

    • Anonymous


  6. Anonymous

    This is disturbing… Do you remember the Haru series from YUKI TEGRA? They both had the same storyline as this : compensated dating, business ensues, the end. All’s well that ends well. Here… we have a way darker vision. This could be educational… to show young girls what can happen when you sell your body to the wrong person…

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

    • Hentai connoisseur

      Dude my boner died when the condom broke.

      But i have a sick mind and still busted nut at the last scene.

    • CHentai

      That’s where things can get sad…
      We kinda have an idiom here which says: Every guy with sex addiction finally gets impotence.
      We are all in the same boat 🙁

    • Logical Guy

      Educational? That’s bullshit. Before going into the business, people should already know what they are getting into. If rape happens during compensated dating, they could always lodge a report to the authorities against the rapist. It is always their greed of money and their own fear of law retaliation by the authorities(prostitution law) against themselves that they kept silent silent about it.

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