

CV: Shio Satou

RJ Code: RJ314473

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Last update: 2021/01/22

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  1. なんでもいける派


  2. Anonymous


  3. Anonymous

    Ho hooo… NTR, huh…. You know what this means…. Huh? What is this combination of tags? What seems to happen here? We saved this girl, who was supposedly about to get forced, and then we hang out? OK… Oh, she is a cool type of girl, ok… Huh…. Apparently, she was forced in the second track, and then we confort her in the 3rd track… okay… Then kisses and H ensue. So… And finally, she got talked into doing an AV… Where is the NTR, here? I can’t seem to follow the story… Maybe it’s because it is in Japanese. Or maybe because it may be NTR type C. For reminders, there is 3 types of NTR : type A (girl sleeps around), B (blackmailed, then consensual), C (forced from end to end). I don’t really watch type C. Maybe that’s why I don’t understand much of this.

    See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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