Cumshot Assistance: Rah, Rah, Jizz Boom Bah!


CV: Sawano Poplar

RJ Code: RJ162116

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Last update: 2021/01/13

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  1. Anonymous

    Oh, hello. How do you do? I am Anri of Astora. Unkindled, like you. This is Horace, a friend and travelling companion. Are you too in search of the Lords of Cinder? We are well along the road of sacrifices. Below us is the Crucifixion Woods. Beyond the flooded woods lies Farron Keep, home of the Undead Legion. Further yet is the Cathedral of the Deep. We seek the cathedral, home of the grim Aldrich. We may go our separate ways now, but we are both seekers of lords. The next time we cross paths, one may find the other in a time of need. May the flames guide your way.

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