Hear The Deep Moans of Your Girlfriend as Her Pussy is Plowed Next Door (Foley Sound)


CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

RJ Code: RJ307977

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Last update: 2020/12/03

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  1. Anonymous

    Fellow brethren of culture, I have another announcement: I think I will revise my reviews rather than doing it again. It would take too much time for now and I don’t have it for now. If you still want a full review, please tell me… Anyway here we go…

    For the first two parts, nothing to update… Everything was as I and other brethren of culture described it : predictable premises and consequences (unsatisfying BF, and satisfying NTR man with a bit of blackmail).

    Next, you change POV. This is still supposed to be NTR (as the track list suggests) because the big bro stole his lil’ bro’s GF. Fair enough. Everything else I said still is true (predictable behavior, etc…). But there was some things I missed. 48:59 Kijoui, huh? Not bad for someone « not remembering anything »…. Itsumo (always), huh? I thought you did not remember…. What, @1:07:19, she says « mata kuru », which means, I will be back. How did not hear that the first 5 times…? Those should already suggest that it is type A NTR.

    The bath scene was hot… I think YUKI TEGRA now have instilled bathroom kink in me. But during this scene, she wanted inside transcendence because it feels good, and is prepared to face pregnancy. At this level, it is not NTR, even the track list suggested it. It is now netori, and we naturally slide into it, because the big bro provides good content. It is almost as if it was logical that the GF should be with the big bro… THAT was where YUKI TEGRA was genius.

    And then there is the confrontation, where the NTR part awakes again. We still feel bad for the lil’ bro, because he is giving his best, but his GF still turned around. Then there is a succession of V-to-D combats….

    Here’s the deal: we all know the situation (girlfriend is with big bro) and YUKI TEGRA decides which perspective to listen to. And I must say, they put the bar pretty high. For example 55 minutes before the end, they choose to make you listen to a deep mouth-to-gland combat through a wall. DEEP. MOUTH-TO-GLAND. COMBAT. THROUGH. THE WALL.YUKI TEGRA! What did I say about instilling kinks, huh? Remember? You’ll ruin me YUKI TEGRA…

    Now a question popped in my mind. Does that mean it’s the lil’ bro’s kink…? If you listen to track B, there are some parts that are here even tho the lil’ bro is not supposed to be here… Does that mean the lil’ bro planted his room with spy mic…? Or was it the big bro who sent it to him…? But then, why is it still here…? Because, somehow the lil’ bro likes that?

    Towards the end, the big bro and the GF invade the lil’ bro’s room and have V-to-D combat here. To tease the lil’ bro, the GF decides to kiss him while in combat, and it was really hot… What did I say about kinks YUKI TEGRA…?

    See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  2. Some Random Guy

    Dang, that hurt. I’ve been saying I will never ever try NTR again after trying one. But there’s just some accidental moments where you forget to read the tags or got hooked up to the comments, read a bit of spoiler (knowing it’s NTR) and tried listening. First time, it felt so uncomfortable but as the “accidents” happen, I just tried being open-minded and tried to see and accept the world other people see. It still feels uncomfortable, but in the end I kinda feel like I’m getting a grasp of it now. I kinda feel like the TINGLES inside our upper-body as we feel the “PAIN” has to do with LIKING NTR. Tho I still feel uncomfortable despite getting a hint of it.

    Question to NTR-Veterans: Have you ever considered jerking-off at such time where your “GF” is getting cucked in front of you? (Not IRL ofcourse, and I feel like your answers will help me take a better understanding about the key to enjoying this tag.)

    • Anonymous

      Ho hoooooo… Interesting… Another NTR enthusiast potential… If you’d allow me to give my answer, I will try to formulate it by quoting you. « I kinda feel like the TINGLES inside our upper-body as we feel the “PAIN” has to do with LIKING NTR »… Exactly. Another brother appropriately described this feeling as a « spice ». It gives food a better taste when professionally and culturally handled, right? Moreover, this spice is not in any other category, right? So it is a special feeling we NTR enthusiasts are searching for in NTR. But spice is like everything in life : it’s only a matter of dosage. Tho, as to why we like it, to me, is still a mystery. It’s like why people likes some food and other don’t. Sometimes it’s genetics (i.e. some taste receptors are expressed in some people and not in other), sometimes it’s education, sometimes we don’t know. For me, it is our brains that are wired that way. Maybe we are looking for something exceptionally violent. I compared it to women who have a forced V-to-D combat fantasy. No women in the world would want to get really V-to-D combat’d, right?

      « I just tried being open-minded and tried to see and accept the world other people see »… that is nice. Most of people won’t bother to try that. Normally, the situation you described, « But there’s just some accidental moments », is the kind of accident that gets people off of NTR.

      « Tho I still feel uncomfortable despite getting a hint of it. »…. You will always feel uncomfortable. It was designed as such. Because this uncomfortable feeling is what you are searching for in the first place.

      « Have you ever considered having a hand-to-gland at such time where your “GF” is getting cucked in front of you? (Not IRL of course) »… So, are you talking about NTR combined with voyeurism in ASMR or in doujins…? Personally, I do. Those two kinks are my favorites, and combined, are very redoutable. But I feel like I missed something in your question, so do not hesitate to ask questions. We are all brothers of culture here, looking for the same thing.

      See you around. Stay cultured

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • Some Random Guy

        Thank you for the reply. I feel like I’m finally close to understanding it. However, I am sorry if I disappoint you, as I do feel like I have a thing for NTR and despite knowing other NTR enthusiast label this as [The surface of NTR] or so, I also feel like I’m still not ready for it as it feels like lifting something heavy right after entering the gym.

        I’m really thankful about your reply as I thought I have been feeling so far off to how it was supposed to be and I think I’ll be able to get used to it and enjoy it in the future.

        One more question, if you don’t mind: For most NTR enthusiast, I have been curious if liking NTR is just a fetish for you or do some possibly have a kink for both ways. To be clear, feeling pleasure from being cucked in ASMR and/or/vs. IRL.

      • Anonymous

        Personally, it’s more of a fantasy than a fetish… Maybe it means the same thing but I really want to emphasize that never will I ever want to be NTR’d IRL. Maybe there is brother of culture out there whose fetish is to be NTR’d. Surely… Nothing is new under the sun… So yeah, personally, I want this to stay in the realm of fantasy. I don’t know if that answered your question…

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • Some Random Guy

        Thank you for your answers. You have satisfied my curiosity and I’ve finally come to conclusion. Please pardon me for making the ‘fetish’ part wrong as I was out of words to use properly.

      • Anonymous

        No need to be sorry, we’ve all been there, learning, and we still are. I wish you good luck on this journey. Be careful.

        See you around. Stay cultured

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

  3. Anonymous

    Fellow brethren of culture, I have another announcement: expect another in-depth, full walkthrough of Track 1. I don’t know how I missed all of that. I am under the impression to rediscover this… This doesn’t do justice to any of us, and certainly not to YUKI TEGRA

    Stay tuned for track 1 review. See you around. Stay cultured.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  4. Anonymous

    Do you remember the clue that I misread? “She said something like “kanojo ga okasarete, gofun shichatta? Hentai” which can be very roughly translated as “did your girlfriend being raped excite you? Pervert” (I worked on finding it based on the pronunciation, worth it). Which means”…. It meant that she talked to us (the lil’ bro) through the wall directly. Which means we should consider them a couple? Either way… He is too pitiful….

    Yours truly,
    The French man of culture from RJ300204

  5. Anonymous

    Fellow brethren of culture, I have an announcement to make: my theory was wrong. I will now give you my full cultured review, now that I finally understand everything. To the other french man of culture and all the brethren of culture who helped me, I give my thanks to you.

    So, here is what transpires in here. Do you remember this brother of culture who said « Shame the good audio is let down by a garbage premise » and I answered « Isn’t that the goal, tho? To have not-so-good and universal premises to compensate that by the Foley quality, YUKI TEGRA and Tsubame Yuzuki? » ? Turns out, this is what happened. All the boxes have been checked for typical NTR, and the audio quality is here to make this special. Maybe it’s more cheating than NTR, after all…

    From the beginning, all the boxes were getting checked. « Having good sex technique for the “first time” for BOTH of us, huh? I see… Having poor stamina and the girl faking, huh? I see… The girl “forgetting” the condom, huh? I see… […] ». Remember? We had here the premises of a basic NTR type A with very little type B elements (video blackmail at the very beginning…) to later emphasize the helplessness, because along the track, we know she is being swept by the big bro at her own will.

    Remember the part I said about the proof? This proof was an echo to another part of this. It was echoing to this part @2:42:48 :

    « Mae mou, ne… Kimi wa neteru toki ni, mimi moto de, seishi nande tanonde, shiteta? Neteta no? Okiteta no? Kore wa dakara mikai me»

    She meant to say that even before the « first day » in this track, she was enjoying the big bro’s milk, and as the other french man of culture said, she just swallowed it above our ear, multiple times when we (lil’ bro) were asleep, as if it was a game.

    So, what does this leave us with?

    This doesn’t rob YUKI TEGRA of the genius part. Remember the « disguise » theory? It still holds water, since we knew we were going to get good audio quality with basic premises. The « trap » part? There were no trap to begin with… Maybe another disguise…

    What about my transcendence part? We can get satisfied with this NTR, whether or not we like NTR. There is the track A, which gives good V-to-D combat, like any other good ASMR. That’s the other « disguise », because it is NTR but from the NTR man’s perspective, so it’s either very mild NTR (if you are still in the lil’ bro’s shoes, because of poor premises there is little attachement) or netori (you mentally skipped the lil’ bro part and directly got to the god V-to-D combat). That was also the goal I mentioned earlier. AND, when the POV changed mid-track, not only did YUKI TEGRA teach us that netorare and netori about the same girl could co-exist without collapsing, but also that the question about loving or not NTR is only a matter of perspective. THAT is how you reinvent the NTR genre. Yeah, YUKI TEGRA is still a genius.

    The netori part only exists because there is the big bro’s perspective, otherwise this would only be NTR. That is where the ingenuity lies.

    So, where was I wrong? I was wrong about the training part, the whole thing where the lil’ bro gets her girlfriend back. I think the relationship between the lil’ bro and the girl is over. It changes nothing since the girl is now stolen forever. But the girl invites the lil’ bro to watch her having V-to-D combat. And he comes because… Reasons… He accepts being invited to be whipped by her girlfriend and teased to death.The other french man was right. It was really far-fetched. and the lil’ bro did not man up. But, how could he? He was imprisoned in those basic NTR premises… Helpless, huh? Nicely played YUKI TEGRA. You lead me astray. But you won’t get me again, I promise. No hard feelings, tho. I still love this ASMR, too, tho.

    Sorry to have made that mistake. I will be careful from now on.

    See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  6. Jack

    This turned into war zone everyone has different taste let’s just accept that and let’s carry on also everything is fiction why this hate

    • Anonymous

      Oh don’t worry. Sure it’s heated, but deep down, we are all bound to culture.

      See you around. Stay cultured

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

  7. Anonymous

    Je vais poster ça en commentaire car ma réponse à ton message précédent ne s’affiche pas.

    L’argument fait route si le personnage B était le grand frère.

    Cependant c’est bien le contraire. En effet, j’ai écouté l’oeuvre en mp3 / découpage par scénario comme celui noté sur dlsite, et la piste A est celle qui est à proximité directe de la voix (grand frère) et la piste B au contraire est celle où la voix est camouflée par un effet de distance (petit frère).

    Je te conseille bien de retrouver sur un site tier une archive contenant cet oeuvre ou bien l’acheter pour l’écouter.

    Un autre détail à noter, c’est que hormis les deux premières scènes (#1.童貞短小包茎彼氏君との初めてお遊びセックス et #2.添い寝中…あいつからの連絡) où l’on sous-entends que l’on incarne B. Quasiment toutes les scènes où l’on incarne B n’impliquent pas B dans les relations sexuelles.

    ” okasu tekio, yokatta ne? Yasashi Kanojo de? ” Selon moi, cette réplique dirigée vers B veut dire : ” T’aime voir ta gentille copine se faire baiser clairement devant toi n’est-ce pas ? ”
    Okasu qui veut dire Okasare, donc baisée. Et tekio qui veut dire lumière.

    Honnêtement, je préfère oeuvres précédents de Yuki Tegra comme celui avec Shirakagi (CV: Shiki Asagi) ou bien bride of virgin. Mais je n’enlève pas ma reconnaissance envers la créativité de l’auteur à explorer d’autre fétiches avec divers nouveaux moyens de recréer un espace audio réaliste.

    Another french man of questionable culture.

    • Anonymous

      Oooooooh je crois que t’as raison. Wooooow… Aaaaaah… Oui, c’est vrai j’ai pas écouté la partie B en détail, j’aurai dû. Je n’avais écouté que les scènes [PEGI18]. Je viens de réécouter les parties dialogues à partir de la confrontation de la partie A et tout est clair… Comme quoi, j’aurai du essayer de chercher un peu plus comme quand j’ai compris Summer Foley 2.

      Le scénario ici est bien plus simple, l’autre frère de culture avait finalement raison. Ce scénario reprend toutes les combines du NTR basique, comme on l’avait dit. Ah mince, j’avais un bon début de raisonnement… Je suis allé beaucoup trop loin… Il n’y avait pas besoin d’aller si loin… Juste dans la partie A à la fin, la fille dit qu’on a un petit soldat qui part au moindre gland-bouche… Et nous sommes le petit frère à ce moment-là… Comment j’ai pu louper ça…? Au final, c’est un NTR basique, avec l’ajout du Foley, YUKI TEGRA et Tsubame Yuzuki… Même si YUKI TEGRA reste un génie pour avoir réinventé le genre grâce au changement de perspective.

      Ah, je me suis trompé. Je pensais que le netori viendrait du fait que le petit frère a pu reprendre sa copine et que le netorare viendrait du fait que c’est le grand frère qui se fat voler sa copine. En réalité, le netori vient du fait que le grand frère vole la copine, et le netorare vient du fait que le petit frère se fait voler sa copine. Wow, je me sens lourd…

      Oui je suis d’accord avec toi, Bride of Virgin est vraiment bon. Là j’ai écouté Camp Foley [PEGI18], c’était un petit trésor je ne te le cache pas.

      Merci de m’avoir dirigé vers la Vérité Suprême de la Culture, autre frère de culture français.

      En espérant te revoir prochainement dans un prochain ASMR pour qu’on se partage notre culture

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

  8. Anonymous

    To those who don’t understand french and still want to be part of the debate, I cultured translated this little exchange. I figured that if there is a cultured exchange, might as well keep it international

    The other french man of questionable culture said this :

    « No she just swallowed the other dude’s milk.

    I listened to both tracks A and B, the conspiracy theory seems to be quite far-fetched, considering that in the last track (#11-A/B.目の前NTRセックス), it is admitted that the B character (the big brother) is a submissive man and the girlfriend is getting V-to-D combat’d in front of him. And finally at the end, the girlfriend goes out of the bedroom and meets him.

    We have to note that the relationship between the little brother and the girlfriend is not over but it is implied that the big bro and she will continue to have V-to-D combat, which means the little bro did not man up at all

    Another french man of questionable culture. »

    I answered this :


    « No she just swallowed the other dude’s milk ». I knew she swallowed. But the word « just » disturbs me. She did not « just » swallow. @ 1:24:54 B, she got closer to us (the lil’ bro), to the point we can feel her nose blowing air on our ear. Which means her face is less than a foot from our face. @ 1:25:00 she does something weird with her tongue, like she is lapping… First, I did not understand, but it occurred to me that this tongue either touched us (maybe not the ear, I concede), or at least made sounds loud enough to wake us up. But in the end, why did she do that? Couldn’t she just have stayed next to big bro with his milk in her mouth?

    If you think I am wrong, don’t hesitate. We are here to reach the Highest Cultured Truth, not to fight.

    目の前NTRセックス (Google translates: NTR V-to-D combat in front of you). The B character is the big bro, right? So, since we still re in the big bro’s POV, the fact that there is NTR in the title means that the girlfriend « got stolen » by the lil’ bro, right? We can conclude, considering the previous scene, that the girlfriend trained her boyfriend (the lil’ bro). The big bro lost, right? (I forgot to say it in French, but I did not find any mention of NTR relapse in the description)

    @ 2:40:39 B, the girl said :
    « Kore o kasumi shite hitori de, (I don’t know what it means)
    sabi chiku…
    o natte te, ne (I don’t know what it means either)
    datte mou, sekusu dekinai kara, kimi to wa
    dakara, onani de kimochi wo natte te »

    I fiddled a bit with Google Translates: « [Kore o kasumi shite hitori de], alone. [o natte te, ne]… I mean, I won’t have V-to-D combat with you anymore. So, have hand-to-gland combat by yourself to pleasure yourself ». Here, I think the girlfriend and her boyfriend completely dominate the big bro, who is literally helpless, which ties in with what you said: « it is admitted that the B character (the big brother) is a submissive man and the girlfriend is getting V-to-D combat’d in front of him. »

    But I have a problem with this part : « And finally at the end, the girlfriend goes out of the bedroom and meets him. », followed with « the big bro and she will continue to have V-to-D combat, ». Is that so? I did not understand it that way. Because in the very end (@2:42:48), she and her boyfriend are still here post V-to-D combat (or maybe the lil’ bro went out, I don’t know anymore), and she said something interesting:

    « Mae mou, ne… Kimi wa neteru toki ni, mimi moto de, seishi nande tanonde, shiteta? Neteta no? Okiteta no? Kore wa dakara mikai me»

    With Google translate, I found this : « Before… When you were sleeping, did you know I [nande tanonde] milk? Were you sleeping? Were you awake? It was because [appearance]. Well, in Japanese, we can use nouns that would be translated as verbs. Here, [Kore wa dakara mikai me], I would translate it by [because it was for show], meaning that the girlfriend was not really hanging out with the big bro and preferred the lil’ bro’s milk (with all that it implies). So I think she does not want the big bro.

    Or, are you talking about @2:44:14 B? she said « okasu tekio, yokatta ne? Yasashi Kanojo de? », which I translated as « Lucky for him, he put up the rape, right? Lucky for him I am a nice girlfriend », which is followed by mouth-to-gland combat…. Here, I think she meant that she and the big bro did well to « simulate » a NTR, so the lil’ bro can develop and she congratulates herself. Just before, don’t forget that she said it to the big bro (we are him) in the big bro’s room, kissed him, cleans the lil’ bro and goes out. I think she kissed to ultimately tease him, as if to say : « you are dead to me ». The mouth-to-gland combat begins with her saying « o matase » which translates to « thanks for waiting ». Here, I think she said that to the lil’ bro after joining him in his bedroom. And we are the big bro, listening to it through the wall. «  And finally at the end, the girlfriend goes out of the bedroom and meets him. » thus, I think she sees the lil’ bro.

    « the conspiracy theory seems to be quite far-fetched ». To me, it holds water. I don’t understand Japanese and uses fishy translations, I know. If I understood Japanese, there would be no doubt. I think my theory holds water and I would like to stick to it. It sounds like Ace attorney…

    « which means the little bro did not man up at all » you are pushing it a little too much, I think. He V-to-V combat’d the girl like a pro and got her back. Okay, she instigated it all and the lil’ bro is like a puppet, but he passed the test, right?

    I liked this little exchange. The fact that we are here shows that it is a genius work, don’t you think? If you want to comment, do not hesitate.


    See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  9. ntr is good if we are the one who making it

    why people upset about ntr we are the main hero here both dude are us so double joy think like this

  10. Anonymous

    Can someone explains the full story of this work?
    I really don’t like NTR works but after reading the comments, it sounds like a really good melodrama to jac…- I mean, listen to while playing League because I hate myself.

    • Anonymous

      The story of this work is really simple. The description is all you need: “After losing your virginity to your girlfriend, and falling asleep, she gets a text message from your big brother in the next room over, who used to be an old sex friend of hers. While you’re still in bed, she heads over for some real fun…”. The thing is that NTR is controversed among the cultured community. Some love it, some despise it, there is no inbetween. So there may be some heated debate about NTR.

      The other thing is, as fellow brethren of culture, we tend to analyze to work so we could fully immerse ourselves in the story, to feel everything at its maximum level as the creator intended. Or at least we try.

      I hope it answered your question.

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

    • Anonymous

      To answer your question, discovering all the subtleties of the work is part of having hand-to-gland combat. So sorry if you felt like I dodged your question, but spoiling this work to you is one of the last things I want to do.

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • Anonymous

        just tell him what the story is you retired french faggot go outside and lose your virginity absolutely pathetic

  11. Anonymous

    1:25:00 B : THE PROOF I was lacking! The proof that it was all a script and that the girl instigated all of this… SHE LICKED OUR EAR. Yeah, you could argue that she was testing if we were awake. I would even go further, and say that she did that to wake us up, just before she got to the V-to-D combat…. So that we watched her NTRing us… So that we could unlock our hidden power… So she could setup the netori… Oh man… What a genius work! Kudos to the team, you deserved it

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

    • Anonymous

      No she just swallowed the other dudes cum.

      J’ai écouté les deux pistes A et B de ce oeuvre, le théorie du complot semble être assez farfelue compte tenu que au dernier scénario (scène numéro 11 #11-A/B.目の前NTRセックス) il est admis que le personnage B (celui qui se fait cuck) est un soumis et que la copine se fait baiser devant lui-même, et finalement à la fin la copine sors de la chambre et retrouve encore une fois le grand frère.

      Il faut noter également que la relation entre la copine et le petit frère n’est pas rompue mais on sous-entends que le grand frère continuera à baiser la copine, ce qui veut dire que le petit frère n’a pas du tout porté ses couilles.

      Another french man of questionable culture.

      • Anonymous

        Ho hoooooo… Another french man of culture, huh? This debate should be interesting…

        “No she just swallowed the other dude’s milk. » J’avais aussi compris qu’elle avait avalé. Mais c’est le mot “juste” qui me dérange. Elle n’a pas fait qu’avaler. À 1:24:54 B, elle se rapproche de nous (le petit frère), au point qu’on sent son air expiré par le nez sur notre oreille. Ce qui signifierait qu’elle serait à une vingtaine de centimètres de notre oreille. À 1:25:00 B, elle fait une espèce de coup de langue bizarre… Au début, j’avais pas compris pourquoi elle a fait ça mais l’idée m’est venue que cette langue a du nous soit toucher, peut-être pas l’oreille, certes, ou au moins faire un bruit assez fort pour nous réveiller. Mais au final, pourquoi ce coup de langue…? Elle aurait pu rester auprès du grand frère avec son lait dans la bouche, non?

        Si jamais vous pensez que je me trompe, n’hésitez pas, on est ici pour atteindre la Suprême Vérité de la Culture, pas pour se battre.

        目の前NTRセックス (Google Translate en français: NTR sexe devant vous). Le personnage B, on parle bien du grand frère, n’est-ce pas? Du coup, vu qu’on est toujours dans la perspective du grand frère, le fait qu’il y ait NTR dans le titre montre que la fille « s’est fait volée » par le petit frère, n’est-ce pas? On peut en conclure que, compte tenu de la scène précédente, la fille a entraîné son copain (le petit frère) pour être meilleur au lit. Le grand frère a perdu, non?

        2:40:39 B, la fille dit ça :
        « Kore o kasumi shite hitori de, (je sais pas ce que ça veut dire)
        sabi chiku…
        o natte te, ne (je ne sais pas non plus ce que ça veut dire)
        datte mou, sekusu dekinai kara, kimi to wa
        dakara, onani de kimochi wo natte te »

        J’ai farfouillé un peu avec Google Traduction « [Kore o kasumi shite hitori de], tout seul. [o natte te, ne]… Je veux dire, je n’aurai plus de coït avec toi. Du coup, poignarde-toi comme un démon pour te faire du plaisir ». Là, je pense que la fille et son copain dominent unilatéralement le grand frère, qui se trouve complètement impuissant, ce qui rejoint ce que vous avez dit: « il est admis que le personnage B est un soumis et que la copine se fait [PEGI18] devant lui-même »

        Par contre, j’ai un petit problème avec cette partie « finalement à la fin la copine sors de la chambre et retrouve encore une fois le grand frère », en continuation avec « le grand frère continuera à [PEGI18] la copine ». Ah bon? C’est pas du tout ce que j’avais compris. Parce qu’à la toute fin (2:42:48 B), elle et son copain sont toujours là post-coït (ou peut-être que le petit frère est parti, je sais plus), et elle dit quelque chose d’intéressant:

        « Mae mou, ne… Kimi wa neteru toki ni, mimi moto de, seishi nande tanonde, shiteta? Neteta no? Okiteta no? Kore wa dakara mikai me»

        Avec Google Traduction j’ai trouvé ça : « Avant aussi… Quand tu dormais, tu savais que je [nande tanonde] du spe-spe? Tu dormais? Tu étais réveillé? C’était parce que [de l’apparence] ». Bon, il est vrai que les japonais utilisent des noms dont qui se traduiraient par un verbe. Ici, [Kore wa dakara mikai me], je le traduirais par, « parce que c’était de la comédie », dans le sens où elle faisait semblant d’être avec le grand frère et qu’elle préférait le spe-spe de son copain (avec tout ce que ça sous-entend). Du coup, je pensais qu’elle n’aimait pas vraiment le grand frère.

        A moins que vous ne parliez de 2:44:14 B, elle dit ça « okasu tekio, yokatta ne? Yasashi Kanojo de? » , que je traduirais par « heureusement qu’il s’est adapté au souillage, n’est-ce pas? Heureusement que je suis une gentille petite amie » et qui suit sur une scène de gland-bouche… Ici, je pense qu’elle voulait dire qu’elle et le grand frère ont bien fait de « simuler » un NTR pour que le petit frère se développe et qu’elle s’en congratule. Juste avant, il ne faut pas oublier qu’elle le dit au grand frère (nous sommes le grand frère) dans la chambre du grand frère, l’embrasse , nettoie le petit frère et s’en va. Je pense qu’elle l’embrasse pour le teasing ultime, pour lui prouver par A+B qu’il ne vaut plus rien à ses yeux. La scène de gland-bouche commence par elle qui dit « o matase » , qui se traduit par « désolé de t’avoir fait attendre ». Ici, je pense qu’elle le dit au petit frère après l’avoir rejoint dans sa chambre. Et nous sommes dans la perspective du grand frère, qui écoute à travers le mur. « à la fin la copine sors de la chambre et retrouve encore une fois le grand frère » je pense que c’est le petit frère qu’elle va voir.

        « la théorie du complot semble être assez farfelue ». Pour moi, ça tient la route. Je ne comprends pas le japonais et je m’aide de traductions plus que douteuses, oui. Si je comprenais le japonais, il n’y aurait aucun doute permis. Mais je pense que ma théorie tient bien la route et je m’y tiens. On dirait Ace Attorney…

        « le petit frère n’a pas du tout porté ses couilles ». Vous y allez en peu fort, je trouve. Le petit frère a [PEGI18] sa copine comme un chef et l’a récupérée. Certes, elle avait tout fait pour, et le petit frère est un peu le dindon de la farce, mais il a assuré, non?

        J’ai bien aimé ce petit débat. Le fait qu’on soit ici montre que ce travail relève d’un certain génie, n’est-ce pas? Si jamais vous avez des commentaires à faire, n’hésitez pas.

        See you around. Stay cultured

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • Anonymous

        L’argument fait route si le personnage B était le grand frère.

        Cependant c’est bien le contraire. En effet, j’ai écouté l’oeuvre en mp3 / découpage par scénario comme celui noté sur dlsite, et la piste A est celle qui est à proximité directe de la voix (grand frère) et la piste B au contraire est celle où la voix est camouflée par un effet de distance (petit frère).

        Je te conseille bien de retrouver sur un site tier une archive contenant cet oeuvre ou bien l’acheter pour l’écouter.

        D’après mes compréhensions approximatives des dialogues. Au fur et à mesure du scénario, elle tombe sous les charmes du grand frère. Cela se manifeste par des rapports qui au départ étaient assez discrètes (bas volume comme si elle était dans une autre pièce), puis qui deviennent plus osées (donc le grand frère et elle, le font dans la même chambre que B. Puis enfin, pendant que B est réveillé).

        Un dernier détail aussi, c’est que mis-à-part les deux premières scènes (#1.童貞短小包茎彼氏君との初めてお遊びセックス et #2.添い寝中…あいつからの連絡) où il est sous entendu que l’on est sous la peau de B. Les pistes B ne comportent quasiement pas de rapports sexuels où B est impliqué physiquement (c-à-d que B n’est pas le partenaire), ‘quasiment’ car à la dernière scène si je me rappelle bien elle l’a fait une fellation. (Pendant qu’elle se fait prendre par derrière par A).

        Another french man of questionable culture.

      • Anonymous

        L’argument fait route si le personnage B était le grand frère.

        Cependant c’est bien le contraire. En effet, j’ai écouté l’oeuvre en mp3 / découpage par scénario comme celui noté sur dlsite, et la piste A est celle qui est à proximité directe de la voix (grand frère) et la piste B au contraire est celle où la voix est camouflée par un effet de distance (petit frère).

        Je te conseille bien de retrouver sur un site tier une archive contenant cet oeuvre ou bien l’acheter pour l’écouter.

        Un autre détail à noter, c’est que hormis les deux premières scènes (#1.童貞短小包茎彼氏君との初めてお遊びセックス et #2.添い寝中…あいつからの連絡) où l’on sous-entends que l’on incarne B. Quasiment toutes les scènes où l’on incarne B n’impliquent pas B dans les relations sexuelles.

        ” okasu tekio, yokatta ne? Yasashi Kanojo de? ” Selon moi, cette réplique dirigée vers B veut dire : ” T’aime voir ta gentille copine se faire baiser clairement devant toi n’est-ce pas ? ”
        Okasu qui veut dire Okasare, donc baisée. Et tekio qui veut dire lumière.

        Honnêtement, je préfère oeuvres précédents de Yuki Tegra comme celui avec Shirakagi (CV: Shiki Asagi) ou bien bride of virgin. Mais je n’enlève pas ma reconnaissance envers la créativité de l’auteur à explorer d’autre fétiches avec divers nouveaux moyens de recréer un espace audio réaliste.

        Another french man of questionable culture.

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