Hear The Deep Moans of Your Girlfriend as Her Pussy is Plowed Next Door (Foley Sound)


CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

RJ Code: RJ307977

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Last update: 2020/12/03

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  1. Anonymous

    Oh, okay, it’s what I just thought it would be… It is track 1, stifled voice edition… No changes a priori… Without the scene where the NTR’d man is at his part-time job, I think, hence the difference in length. Logic, since there is only one POV, then… No mistakes, tho, it doesn’t mean we hear everything from the NTR’d man POV, because remember, the POV changes quite frequently and can do it without notice. That’s a pity tho. In Summer Foley 2, also by the genius YUKI TEGRA, the B track really offered something new, because there was literally another story going on in the background. Here, it is like a addition of an NTR nuance… Welcome but… well… kinda meaningless (but not useless). It’s like you put some autotune. Yeah, the song is better because everything is musically harmonized, but, yeah…. I don’t know if you see what I mean. The fact that we can make out the conversation through the wall is always getting to me… I don’t know why… Hearing through the wall to eavesdrop is so exciting… I don’t know why… Curiosity? Maybe it is voyeurism…? Be that as it may, the stifled voice edit is really hot… ngl… It always gets me… But not as much I thought it would. I think it’s because I was expecting some story changes, like in Summer Foley 2… Maybe I will be able to review it quickly….

    The first scene is still hot. It begins just after the girl enters the NTR man’s room. It surprised me, because I thought it would begin with the reception of the text, and when the girl went out of bed to the NTR man’s bedroom… Maybe it was too troublesome to edit…? Yeah, the V-to-D combat is still hot, nothing else to say

    Oh oops, nevermind, even when I am supposed to be at part-time, I am here… Interesting… Oh, the sounds seems different, like I am hearing that through a tube… what…? Maybe it is from ventilation…? But it is always exciting to hear the difference in lust, whether or not you are supposed to be here. Oh, maybe I am recording it…? Since the NTR man is the brother of the NTR’d man, planting a mic shouldn’t be difficult… Nah, I highly doubt it… But where does this track come from, tho? We (NTR’d man) are not supposed to be home… Does that count as some form of voyeurism…? Damn, I love it…

    Oh and nevermind again, the length difference comes from the removal of the first V-to-D combat… Damn… How could I miss that?

    The bath scene is still here, okay, why not. Oooooh okay. I get it. They lowered the sound, maybe added some reverb to make it so we are not directly onto the action (yeah, I’m actually listening to them both at the same time, heh, let’s stay as cultured as we can, shall we?). Why not through a wall, tho..? Hey, I like it nonetheless.

    Ooooh nice touch. They respected the 3D perspective. So since in track 1 she was far away, now she is closer and vice-versa… Nice, nice… Yeah, sleeping next to me, huh? Oooooooh… Hearing her getting away from me feels kinda heavy, since I know what will happen… Nice, nice… To be honest, tho, I prefer the close-up one. We hear a lot more details. Or maybe it’s because it’s closer to the action… I don’t know… Kinda far away is good too, it really gives a voyeurism vibe… Eh, I don’t know… But hey, it is still very nice, ngl. oh, the confrontation scene, nice… nice… It really sounds like there is a female in front of us, like 6 feet away… Nice… That some really nice directional recording equipment you have here, YUKI TEGRA.

    The rest is exactly the same as track 1, but with changes to 3D sound mapping that is really coherent to the changes of POV between track 1 and B.

    Okay, that’s all for me. See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  2. Anonymous

    This french man of culture is truly cultured…

    if you see the review in dlsite which is japanese… they all praising the yuukitegura works on how immersive both POV and compare to other NTR audio works which heavily depend only one POV whether the Netori part or the Netorare part.

    and for everyone who complain it’s disgusting or something like that, means you guys just a pathetic delusional who always self insert yourself into this kind of audio works, and can’t see the audio work based on objectivity of the quality itself…

  3. Anonymous

    Now that I think about it, one of our brethren of culture made a good statement: “Shame the good audio is let down by a garbage premise”. I answered this: “Isn’t that the goal, tho? To have not-so-good and universal premises to compensate that by the Foley quality, YUKI TEGRA and Tsubame Yuzuki?”. So what I meant was, that YUKI TEGRA, whom we can consider a genius in Japanese ASMR by now, that guy made some subpar premises when he can almost reinvent a genre? Really? So, I thought about it, in my transcendance, and I have a theory. It is either a trap or a disguise. Bear with me a little, brethren of culture. When the track began, the girl was having mediocre V-to-D combat. Like really mediocre. So mediocre that the following NTR was almost predictable. It’s like a closed case, right? BUT. And it’s here I ask of you to bear with me. When we listen to ASMR, we are looking some kinds of sounds, right? And having the “Foley” label is a guarantee of good sounds. So we will stick to it, waiting for the sweet music, right? So now, we have subpar premises with a guaranty of quality later. Why not stick around, right? So, of course, the better V-to-D combattant is here. And he can make the girl go crazy. I think THIS is what YUKI TEGRA was looking for. That we wanted this new challenger to come very soon because the premises demanded so. Then, the girl is getting into it. Everything is as planned, right? We got the sweet music we wanted. So it looks like any other NTR ASMR, right? Hence “disguise”.

    So why am I saying it’s a trap, too? Because if you are a NTR casual, there are two kinds of things you are looking for in NTR : better V-to-D combat than vanilla (like real rough, etc…) or this heavy feeling I described. We got the better V-to-D combat really quickly, making us rooting and relating to the NTR man, since he offers what we are looking for. We feel we won’t get the heavy feeling for a while since the premises are not that good. And then it happened: the NTR’d man is aware his girl is cheating. The heavy feeling is now present, because we feel bad for the guy: he is a good guy and they seemingly love each other, just bad at V-to-D combat. Then something weird happens… The girl is not with us (presumably the NTR man, since we were him for 1 1/2 hours), getting good V-to-D combat from the other guy, after getting all that V-to-D combat from us. And now we feel weird, because the only conclusion plausible is that the girl is with the NTR man and the NTR’d man is listening to it, since we know the NTR’d man technique is mediocre. So logically, she should be with the NTR man and we switched POV, as we are now the NTR’d man. This is where the heavy feeling can also comes from, some kind of feeling of treachery from our presumably girlfriend. That is an unhealthy feeling because it’s exciting for us. And then we hear this: “Is your girlfriend getting raped/soiled making you erect? You pervert”. Now you’re like that… WHAT? but, NTR’d man is bad in bed, right? What? So, we (NTR man) got the girl stolen by the NTR’d man, who was bad at V-to-D combat? WHAT? And that is where you can get either a heavy feeling, because you placed yourself in the NTR man’s shoes (for better V-to-D combat) and got betrayed and that’s netorare, or you lowkey feel good because you identified yourself as the NTR’d man anyway and stole your girl back, and that’s netori (I felt that). Nicely played YUKI TEGRA… By the way, if you look at the track list, there is NTR in track names when the girl is having V-to-D combat with her righteous boyfriend, which means that all of this was to make us feel like the NTR man and feel bad about getting the girl literally back to her boyfriend. Hence “trap”.

    Then there is still something wrong… This all thing was scripted. Well of course, it’s scripted, but it’s part of the girl’s plan. The girl wanted to train the NTR’d man just to have incredible V-to-D combat techniques. And she succeeded. Now she can have it with the NTR’d man. That was the objective of the NTRing… Which is a unusual objective, you gotta say. Usually, NTR reason are really simple, like V-to-D combat because of blackmail, no more love in the couple, better V-to-D combat elsewhere… Not NTR-induced V-to-D combat training, right? If you want to train him, just do it. You don’t need to break him a little (apparently his canon got bigger, idk how, or at least better and he is rougher). And now we can ask ourselves some questions. For exemple, the girl and the NTR man knew each other, but wasn’t that part of the plan? At the end, she said “Now, we can have incredible V-to-D combat thanks to this netori. Aren’t you happy to have a girlfriend like me?” How much did she plan in advance? I mean, she told it herself: “it’s a netori situation (or something like that). I mean, yeah, trauma is the best character builder but man… Or was it a coincidence, like she just weaseled her way out of it… No… It can’t be a coincidence… No, because in the end the girl is provoking and condescending to the NTR man like crazy… what…?

    All of this NTR, gut feeling, and all that for a concluding netori, huh? THAT was also what I meant when YUKI TEGRA was reinventing the genre. In NTR, the girl is very often lost… And if she is won back, NTR relapse is more than plausible. Happy endings are hardly achievable, and through netori to get what is yours is EVEN MORE unusual.

    What do you think about my theory? I’d like to have your input, brethren of culture.

    Stay tuned for part 2, I haven’t listened yet, will soon

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  4. Anonymous

    Now that I’ve transcended, I’ve come to you to tell you that It’s the first time I reviewed a track on two parts. Or maybe not, but I immersed myself a lot in this. That’s how genius YUKI TEGRA is to me; like at 2:11:00 or at 2:15:00, or multiple times during the last 30 minutes (there were so frequent and swift I got dizzy), when the POV changed mid-track, not only did he teach us that netorare and netorari about the same girl could co-exist without collapsing, but also that the question about loving or not NTR is only a matter of perspective. And that has been some loooong time that I didn’t enjoy something that quality, man. I feel replenished, satisfied. And it’s been a veeery long time. Finally, I want to say that only with your hearing you can understand all I’ve said. That’s what I find beautiful with the power of imagination. They don’t give you much, but you still can get most of the enjoyment. Even more than those who watch V-to-D combat. You dug though what people consider worthless, and you just found gold. We. Are. Cultured. Degenerates. Never forget that. Thanks for your time y’all.

    Stay tuned for part 2, I haven’t listened yet, will soon

    One last thing, tho. Very well played girl, you are the best, you are really smart, you got us at the first half ngl.
    You too, YUKI TEGRA, you got us at the first half ngl.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

    • Anonymous

      Isn’t that the goal, tho? To have not-so-good and universal premises to compensate that by the Foley quality, YUKI TEGRA and Tsubame Yuzuki?

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

  5. Anonymous

    TL;DR Previously, track 1 : So, what do I have to say about the NTR part in track 1? Well, all boxes are almost checked. The girl knew the other guy, has some lingering feeling (kinda type A). The guy “kinda” threatens the girl with some dirt (kinda type B), but the girl seems to be too proactive (kinda type A again) and the sex is completely better (happens either in type A or B). Typical, ngl. But here, we got YUKI TEGRA, the Foley quality and Tsubame Yuzuki’s acting to compensate for the basic premises. And oooooooh, I see, I understand…. The fact that WE are part of the better V-to-D combat is also building up some primal instincts… Well played, y’all, once again, you’ll ruin me, I tell you that. Don’t tell I did not warn you.

    Now that you are kept to date, let’s get into “cultured” stuff… Shall we? We left off at the end of the first NTR encounter in the NTR man’s bedroom. Let’s keep it real time, as cultured degenerates as we are.

    First… WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT BATH SCENE, THO? So hot man… Remember when I said we can’t reinvent NTR? Scratch, that. That scene IS the kind renewal I was I dreaming about. I’ll explain. The NTR man wants to have some sex in the bath but the girl is against it because of the noise (if noise really bothered you, the scene in the NTR man’s bedroom should’ve made you stop… But maybe the first scene is so noisy to logically explain track B…? Let’s stop conjecturing…). So they compromise: the girl hand-to-gland-combat the NTR man off and he transcended enlightenment in her V… I did not know you could create some kinky stuff like that, man… Damn… Where do you get all that ingenuity…? And the talk about the pregnancy liability? Man… You’re killing me…

    Oh yeah, NTR man is the guy committed in the NTR, and the NTR’d man is the one who is cucked. It’s just semantics but let’s keep it as cultured as we can, shall we?

    1:41:00 IT HIT THE FAN!!! Man… The trough-the-wall eavesdropping… Man I just heard the girl’s stifled voice to get excited again… So… What is this about… Oh it’s not… Oh man… WHAT?! There is someone else…? A third guy? OH WHAT?! huh? Nice mouth-to-gland combat, tho… Nice… showing snowflakes on your tongue, huh? Getting colder those days, be careful. What is this YUKI TEGRA? Some reversal tactics…? Nice… Still trying to be as discreet as possible, huh…? Nice… the third person does not participate…? OOOOOOOOOh… It’s to set up a “hidden V-to-D combat” parameter… Did I tell you YUKI TEGRA is a genius? Oh man… New set-ups I’ve never seen before… Oh WHAT?! They got discovered? By the NTR’d man… JEEEEEESUS… YOOOOOOO! Normally, this kind of situation would’ve led to the NTR’d man to either not do anything about it even tho he knows (because it’s his kink, or any other reason) or he is completely oblivious… I mean, what…? Then, what is the point of track B…? Oh man, is this what is happening? I feel very heavy… She completely turned on us… AND NOW THE STIFLED VOICE! Oh man… what a combo… OH WAIT WHAT THE? We are still in the NTR man’s POV, right? But she has amazing sex… Who is it? What is happening? Is it some reverse NTR psychology? Like, we tried (as NTR man) to conquer the girl but failed? Or did we change POV again? Come on, gimme a hint. I mean, yo, don’t leave me hanging. OH I got it. She said something like “kanojo ga okasarete, gofun shichatta? Hentai” which can be very roughly translated as “did your girlfriend being raped excite you? Pervert” (I worked on finding it based on the pronunciation, worth it). Which means, we won her back (I identified myself as the NTR’d man)! Yo man this is some double reversal NTR psychology! Because, since we are the NTR man POV, we got committed in NTRing the girl, that was why we are here… But the NTR’d man got her back and we listen form the NTR man POV, so we still got “NTR’d” in some way because we got used to be in the NTR’d man POV… yooooo hence the netorari/netorare being here… Without collapsing… It’s like… Anti-matter and matter colliding… But it results in something… Where there should be nothing… wow… The NTR’d man getting his girl back, a bit broken (just listen to the V-to-D combat they’re having) is not unsusual, but it’s often badly written. Because the NTR’d man is too oblivious, because the girl is too open-minded, because of bad witting in general. Here, no matter which side you rooted for, you are still going to lose something in the process, through the power of POV changes. AND THAT is how you reinvent NTR. Very nice work YUKI TEGRA, you never fail. I promise you I am going to buy all your works when I can, because not buying it would be a disgrace to the culture you let a degenerate like me access. Now time to some hand-to-gland combat. See you later

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  6. Anonymous

    Okay Tsubame Yuzuki, here we go again. As usual, you ASMR. And I see you combined two of my kinkiest stuff, huh? Let’s see what’s happening here…

    So from what I can gather from the first minutes of the first track, YOU are the POV. The sounds and the panting are very good, as usual. But hey, calling my dick cute right at the beginning, huh? okay… I see… I think the title kinda leads us to some foreshadowing here and it can be noticed from a little bit peeled eye. Having good sex technique for the “first time” for BOTH of us, huh? I see… Having poor stamina and the girl faking, huh? I see… The girl “forgetting” the condom, huh? I see… Opening the condom like it’s nothing, huh? I see… Not being able to satisfy the girl, who wants it harder and longer, huh? I see… The girl being seemingly used to it despite doing it for the first time, huh? I see… Well, at least all the premises are getting checked. Nice. A typical NTR. Even the description is kinda typical (the girl wanting to have some more fun), but hey, I’m here for that. And they go sleeping, okay, nice. I think I know what will happen. I don’t understand Japanese but from the pictured description, there is a line that separates two parts of the track list. And from the title and the description, you know what will transpire next. Exciting

    Oh, you better be prepared, full real-time review my degenerate cultured brethren! Maybe I will do some general review after listening to and reviewing track B. Stay tuned, brethren!

    Little NTR lesson. Not that I am an expert, but I want to clarify some things. When you know something is going to happen, yeah… You feel it deep in your guts, you want to skip to the good part but the build-up is also a part of NTR. It’s simple, you look at the title and for the category. It’s not spoiling, mind you. You gotta prepare for this kind of stuff. You can’t have NTR out of nowhere, like an RKO. There’s gotta be some context. Then, when the NTR happens, you feel it. You feel heavy. I can’t describe it precisely but THIS is what you are looking for. There are usually 3 types of NTR: A (the girl just sleeps around consensually), B (forced sex but the girl is getting consensual towards the end) and C (forced sex from end to end and the protagonist helplessly watches or peeps). Here, it seems to be NTR type A. The girl is knowingly going to see other men. The reasons are still unknown but we can infer it: better sex, maybe? Some lingering feelings maybe? Oh yeah, I forgot. The heaviness felt is proportional to the quality of the premises and to the difference of sex quality. Here, the premises are typical and quickly built but the Foley quality, YUKI TEGRA’s ingenuity and Tsubame Yuzuki’s acting will surely greatly compensate with the difference of sex quality. Exciting. THIS is what we are looking for.

    Ah, the phone vibrates. I get excited. You know what is going to happen. The interesting part is starting. The girl discreetly goes away. Nice.

    Oh, you change POV, huh? You are the NTR perpetrator, okay. Interesting… Maybe some build-up for track B, I dunno. And the girl seems to know him. She admits my dick is small, huh? I see… The girl having some lingering feelings toward the other guy, huh? I see… More boxes getting checked, huh? I see… Oh, is it type B, after all? Picture and video blackmailing, huh? Okay. Typical, but efficient. Oh, but she doesn’t seem to be that reluctant, huh? I see… Ah, getting it with the “only once (yeah, right), and fast. And then we are done” treatment, huh? I see… The girl still being fascinated by the other guy’s (seemingly giant) dick, huh? I see… The girl is getting into it, while trying not spill the beans, and liking the sex very much, huh? I see… No condom with the other guy, huh? I see… The “my boyfriend is kind, unlike you” treatment to try to convince herself she is still in control or self-righteous, huh? I see… I kiss badly, huh? I see… The girl is proactive when the boyfriend is not there, huh? I see… More boxes getting checked again! In the end, it seems to be type A but with some type B premises to be “more realistic”. Or the other way around. Either way, nice. Still typical premises but efficient. Ngl. But, it’s not like you can’t reinvent NTR. I think you can only improve on the quality. But, don’t take my word for it. I am only a cultured man. Well, time for some hand-to-gland combat. See you later.

    Yours truly,
    The French man of culture from RJ300204

    • Anonymous

      I really enjoy your super in-depth review/summaries, keep it up! NTR in ASMR form is (generally) a lot easier to deal with imo than in doujins or hentai; it’s a lot harder to put emphasis on the suffering of the guy when there essentially is no guy.

      • Anonymous

        A lot easier in ASMR? Are you sure? Because you said there is no guy. We are the guy. Isn’t emphasis on the suffering more difficult to apply since the creator has to put some universal suffering without being too superficial or not specific enough to create this heavy feeling?

        Maybe I did not understand what you meant…

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • Anonymous

        Not the previous anon, but I think I have the same sentiment.

        The thing with hentai/doujins is that you can clearly see the situation. The characters are explicity introduced and there’s not much room for any kind of denial. First-person POV of ASMR is not much of an advantage in terms of conveying the suffering, most NTR stories are told from third-person and they’re still heavy. It’s usually sympathy that gets a reader.

        In fact, if not given any kind of context and with zero knowledge of the language, a listener can actually pretend that the girl is actually talking to them, which completely nullifies the NTR. This is particularly hard to do with hentai considering that most of them goes hand-in-hand with ugly bastard.

      • Anonymous

        “if not given any kind of context and with zero knowledge of the language, a listener can actually pretend that the girl is actually talking to them, which completely nullifies the NTR”, exactly. I don’t understand japanese but I think I can get all the nuances form the tone of the voice. But it is not enough. That is exactly why we need some real quality of sound (SFX, panting, through-the-wall effects,…) to not let the listener escape the NTR context. Hopefully, here, the “Foley” quality label is strong and YUKI TEGRA is here. But in some NTR AMSR, the NTR is very light because it does not feel realistic enough.

        “This is particularly hard to do with hentai considering that most of them goes hand-in-hand with ugly bastard.” Yeah, about that I don’t know what is happening with that… It is the lowest of low culture. In a doujin, I read something that can answer as to why there are so much ugly V-to-D-new-challenger. To put some context, the guy who said it was a guy who couldn’t get any girls because of some weird fetish. Anyway, it goes like this. The reason he likes ugly V-to-D-new-challenger in NTR eroge is because he can get revenge on all the girls that rejected him because he was weird via hurting the female with the ugly V-to-D-new-challenger with degrading ugly V-to-D combat in an eroge. And he identified himself as the ugly V-to-D-new-challenger, because he provided what he wanted. But, as time went on, even the doujin guy separated himself from the ugly V-to-D-new-challenger, because he was having girls way too beautiful, and unrealistically falling for the ugly V-to-D-new-challenger… That is why the doujin character developed a tentacle fetish… At least it is not human, so no jealousy possible in any way… I don’t remember the doujin…

        That is all I know about it. Maybe the fact that he is an ugly V-to-D-new-challenger will hurt even more, because he is ugly, having dirty V-to-D combat with a woman he can’t possibly get, maybe…? but I don’t full understand that part of the culture yet…

        Anyway, nicely said, brother of culture. See you around. Stay cultured.

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

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