Hear The Deep Moans of Your Girlfriend as Her Pussy is Plowed Next Door (Foley Sound)


CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

RJ Code: RJ307977

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Last update: 2020/12/03

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    • Im sad man

      You may get rid of things in life but you can never just ignore an audio work from someone like Tsubame Yuzuki, its like when you’re being given food from your mother but now you’re mother is feeding you ntr.

      • Anonymous


      • Anonymous


  1. Anonymous

    とっておき ふくつのこころ もって
    高いテンガン山 越えて行こう

    だれをゲットかな? どこで出会うかな?
    ワクワク気分 まるで ひみつきちさ

    新しい町 僕らは進む

    だから感じよう いっしょに

    モヤモヤ気分 きりばらいして



    • Thanks NTR GOD

      I have seen your ways and will follow it, I also want to accept ntr and not feel shit in my life, its better to accept than to deny it exist

    • Anonymous

      Ooooooh okay. So that’s how you got into NTR, huh? I guess everyone is different. Concerning your method… There are some things I don’t agree with like this part “徐々にNTRがハッピーエンド純愛の為のスパイスになってくるから” which is Google translated as “Gradually NTR will become a spice for happy ending pure love” but I think it’s still a big step in the right direction.

      Yours truly,
      The french man of culture from RJ300204

    • Anonymous


      • Anonymous


  3. Bruhhh

    NTR is not for me so I’m gonna have to pass on this one. I wonder if the Fremch man of culture would like this because he seems to like Tsubame Yuzuki. And I also like Tsubame Yuzuki as well.

    • YEP

      French man mentioned liking ntr and voyeurism so I think he likes these work, I also want to become like frenchman and like ntr without feeling like shit, pls if you’re reading this frenchman, help me

      • Anonymous

        Aaaaaaah, it’s nice to see some brethren of culture in those dark times. Well… concerning your yearning for NTR, let’s go to the bottom of it. I got 2 questions : why do you feel like this when you search NTR? Is it the only thing you feel?

        Awaiting for your answer,
        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • NotAWeeb

        Yo, not the other guy you asked but just another guy responding about why NTR just makes me feel like a bag of trash.

        I never really understood how one enjoys seeing others, especially if you’re engaged with the other person, engage with another stranger. I much more prefer the opposite, as in another girl reverse cucking me. But hey, it’s probably because I’m a loner with no friends and such fantasies like that exists to calm my mind down about the real world.

        But I’ve got to admit, NTR will really grow on a person if the person continues to press on with the kink.

        Just a thought.

      • Anonymous

        “I never really understood how one enjoys seeing others, especially if you’re engaged with the other person, engage with another stranger.” Are you saying if you are married, you shouldn’t enjoy watch other wives cheating? Or am I misunderstanding?

        If I am not, I see what you mean. But imagine the wife is getting rough treatment from her husband, like disrespect, etc… And then she goes seeing another guy and feels happy. Of course they could divorce, but circumstances, right? How would you feel? The situation I just described is the lightest of lightest NTR. But that’s how I started.

        Imagine now that, for example in doujins, you can get better ahegao in NTR than in vanilla for example. And since the plot in 20-30 page doujins is not that interesting, why not getting better ahegao? That’s how I began to put myself deep in NTR, even now.

        “responding about why NTR just makes me feel like a bag of trash”. I do not understand. Do you feel like trash because “I never really understood how one enjoys seeing others, especially if you’re engaged with the other person, engage with another stranger.” ?

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • YEP

        also add me in discord so we can talk about it if you want 4N0N#8660 I want to learn how to like ntr but its hard

      • YEP

        Hey French man I’m the one who wanted to know how you enjoy ntr, I don’t really search for ntr and don’t listen to it, but because its yuki tegra I tried listening, I feel a heavy feeling because I feel bad for the little brother and seeing them have a pure sex at the start made me think they were in love, so you kind of get attached to the guy(?), then you see after that the big brother was her old sex friend and she gets blackmailed into sex unwillingly then becomes sluttier and this is where it hit me that she only cares about sex, I feel sad because I would never want my loved ones to do this to me, so I kinda got stuck in the pov of the little brother, even though I tried to see myself as the big brother I only see the girl as a slut and only cares about sex plus she just bullies the guy when they get found out without feeling any guilt at all, I want to enjoy ntr without feeling really sad so I have no idea what to really think when listening to these audios without getting sad, I tell myself I shouldn’t get attached to these works and its not real but I can’t help but self insert myself into it.

      • Anonymous

        “I feel a heavy feeling because I feel bad for the little brother” yeaaaaah
        “the start made me think they were in love, so you kind of get attached to the guy(?)” yeaaaah
        “I feel sad because I would never want my loved ones to do this to me” yeaaah

        You have potential, brother of culture…

        “I want to enjoy ntr without feeling really sad” we don’t do that here. NTR was especially designed to make you feel sad, desperate, angry, betrayed, etc… but excited, all of that at the same time. And you know why, you said it yourself: “the start made me think they were in love, so you kind of get attached to the guy”. Nobody wants to feel that on a regular basis (or you are some very high-level cultured degenerate) and it stays on the realm of fantasy. And it’s because it’s fantasy, that you can go from sad to bounce back to everyday life. It’s just a fantasy, like a Forbidden Fruit: you know it’s bad if you eat it, but you can’t put yourself away. It’s like some women have forced V-to-D combat fantasy, but never ever do they want to get forced in V-to-D combat. We are looking for something weird, unusual, maybe violent (?), that makes us feel something everyday life can’t provide us.

        I don’t know if I made myself clear…

        See you on Discord.

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • YEP

        I see now what you mean Frenchman, I’m not suppose to enjoy it but feel despaired, sad and angry with the feeling of excitement, we don’t really experience these things in our life so we listen to these works to spice our lives and live a life we have never had, thank ou Frenchman, I always saw these works as people enjoy happily, I never thought that people listen to these work to feel despair, I’m still working on it and trying to force myself to listen and learn to teach myself that this is life and I should accept how it is. If you can add an advice on how to listen to these works I would happily want to listen to them.

      • Anonymous

        “we listen to these works to spice our lives”… THIS is the best metaphor to explain everything, because it implies also some logical consequences. Nicely said brother of culture. Allow me to use this sentence to try to give you advice.

        “we don’t really experience these things in our life so we listen to these works to spice our lives”. Yes, this is surely one reason, everybody has their reason.

        If you would allow me, I will tell you the tale of my cultured NTR degenerescence. My NTR culture began with a simple desire to see woman experience rough V-to-D combat in doujins. Fair enough, you can experience that in vanilla doujins, but I found out (maybe I am wrong), that the O faces of the female in NTR are way more… interesting than in other categories. So the NTR part of NTR did not interest me first, strangely enough… But there has to be some NTR element “to keep realism”, because I wanted to see more interesting females V-to-D combat faces but no vanilla; but how could you explain that without vanilla? NTR. So I was first looking for very light NTR (like the woman NTRing the guy, but the guy and everybody know he deserved it). And I kept looking for NTR here and there and over here, and as you said, it’s a spice. If there is no spice variety, the taste becomes bland or even abject and you have to look for something “spicier” or “tastier”. That is exactly what happened. I went for spicier NTR and one day I stumbled to some veeeeery spicy NTR that brought me THAT heavy feeling… It was very spicy, it hurt my tongue… But I liked it. Don’t ask me why, tho, I think this is how my brain is wired… Maybe it’s the fact that I don’t live that everyday? I dunno… Maybe… Maybe it’s the essence of the heavy feeling that attracted me and somehow I liked it, like some weird pressure point? I dunno… Maybe… Anyway, now I am fully used to the spice and even like the spice as the creator intended it, but it is still very spicy sometimes.

        “trying to force myself to listen”. I don’t know if it’s a good method, brother of culture. You said it yourself, it’s a spice. If spicy food is not to your taste, either taste something milder or something that ressemble that spice. Then maybe increase the spice. But if that spice is not for you here, maybe change the style of the food and try to taste NTR in other media. If the spice is getting too strong for you, you can take a break. I know I did sometimes to acclimate myself with the aftermath. I fear that if you go too spicy too fast, it will become abject and even the notion of that spice will bring back bad memories.

        I feel this is why there is so NTR controversy : some must have stumbled upon something very spicy, but didn’t seem like it and they got it by the spice.

        “I tell myself I shouldn’t get attached to these works and its not real but I can’t help but self insert myself into it”… You have potential to the NTR culture, brother. this is one of the heavy feeling you also get in NTR.

        What do you think of all this, brother of culture? If you have anything to add, do not hesitate.

        Yours truly,
        The french man of culture from RJ300204

      • YEP

        I see, I understand Frenchman, I’m gonna go find some more milder ntr so I can acclimate myself when the time comes, maybe you can recommend me some in discord, because I don’t know or where to find these things, and I’m afraid that i might stumble on a really spicy ntr, since you know more you could tell me which one is good and I’ll go on from there, it can be from asmr works to doujins if you’d like, then maybe we can talk about it then go from milder and add a little spice everytime I get used to it.

  4. Anonymous


    • Anonymous


  5. ワイか?ワイはNTR嫌いやで

    久しぶりにこのサークルの作品コメント欄賑わってると思ったら海外ニキがfuckとかNo thanksとか私はNTRが嫌いなので私の意見で世界がいい方向に進むとか言ってたり

  6. I hate ntr

    Even though I hate ntr, its better to just accept it and move on in my opinion, if you’re crazy like me join them and make yourself strong and forge your emotions through this, use this to make yourself strong and nothing will ever faze you again, and just don’t get attached to one thing, this ain’t all the important things in life, stop focusing on the bad and focus on good shit there is.

  7. Anonymous

    I generally don’t like NTR but having both viewpoints is nice instead of just being cucked. If all NTR works were like this, I think I’d like it.

  8. NTRアンチ


  9. Anonymous


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