
Camp Foley ~Pitch Your Tent and Creampie Your Girlfriend~

CV: Kaede Akino

RJ Code: RJ292857

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Last update: 2023/07/24

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  1. Anonymous

    Camp Foley ~Pitch Your Tent and Creampie Your Creampie~

    CV: Kaede Akino

    RJ Code: RJ292857

    06.00- ‘i want kiss’s, kiss
    12.20- blowjob, deep throat
    17.00- cumshot, gokkun,suck&clean
    23.00 – arguing about the condom

    27.00- blowjob,
    30.30- plug in( doggy)
    32.00- sex
    36.50- cumshot
    38.30- kiss
    40.40- ‘idadakimasi’, blowjob,kiss

    44.40- go into camp and
    48.20- blowjob
    53.00- wear condom for mexz
    54.40- plug in(
    57.00- kiss, ‘pat my head ‘

    1.01.10- sex,kiss+ sex
    1.05.10- climax
    1.09.30 – fuck her
    1.11.50- Cumshot

    Sry anonymous guy, i start getting hate the tegurayuki’s ASMR , always same routine at every its ASMR, maybe i will stop doing tegurayuki’s ASMR for a while but i have some God tier ASMR timestamp otw, pls look forward with it

    By; Greys

  2. Anonymous

    Aaaaaah…. Kaede Akino… I knew your painting seemed familiar in this one… I actually heard that one before. It was in the cultured animation Rina to Ana. I think I saw that last year, mid-2019. Damn I never thought I would hear from you again… Especially here. Nice to have you back, ngl. The cultured world is small

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  3. Anonymous

    Oh man, this is really really nice… Usually, lovey-dovey is not my cup of tea, but combined with YUKI TEGRA, Foley and Kaede Akino, this is something else. It is amazing. YUKI TEGRA should be a genre just by himself… His name in a combo is another thing. This is really nice. This heartwarming feeling is unparalleled… I think I will go listen to every YUKI TEGRA’s works anyway.

    See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  4. Anonymous

    Oh man, this is really really nice… Usually, lovey-dovey is not my cup of tea, but combined with YUKI TEGRA, Foley and Kaede Akino, this is something else. It is amazing. YUKI TEGRA should be a genre just by himself… His name in a combo is another thing. This is really nice. This heartwarming feeling is unparalleled… I think I will go listen to every YUKI TEGRA’s works anyway.

    See you around. Stay cutlured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  5. Anonymous

    Heeeeeere we gooooooo again, I’m back in here, again. Seriously, tho, I don’t know how I could miss that. So… I don’t think it’s the sequel of the all ages version, or it is the same universe but a different time, because there was another girl but there seems to be no mention of her, or there are some circumstances to clear out. Here, we are with our girlfriend camping tranquilly. Another redoutable combo is here (YUKI TERGRA + Kaede Akino + Foley), okay, here we go.

    Okay, the background sounds are quite good. I feel like we really are at a campfire, chilling. Ooooh, she’s tempting us, huh…? Nice… As usual, all types of combat sounds good, nothing to say here. I’m sure you are used to it by now. It’s seems to be a lovey-dovey setup, not really my cup of tea but you already know why I’m here. Oh she’s kinda cheeky and funny, nice… She is really doing a good job at doing that. The girl she’s ASMRing would be a fun girl to hang out. She is so in love with us, it’s cute.

    Hahaha they even included humor… Hey, I ain’t mad, it’s a good bonus. Maybe, hopefully that will become standard in the future. haha the soldier hat story… Hahaha, the mouth-to-gland discussion, hahaha. So funny. Nice touch.

    Oooooh, having V-to-D combat in the tent on the grass gives this type of sound, huh? Oh, they even thought about the reverb outside. Since there is no wall, the sounds rebound on fewer surfaces and gives this felling of « outside ». Okay, Nice.

    Oh, she is drunk… Maybe some consensual drunk V-to-D combat? Looking forward to how it will be… Hope she won’t hurl… It would be hilarious tho ha ha ha ha. Oh what they cut it out? Oh nevermind they chose to put it in a different track. Oh, she’s on top? okay. oooooh that’s so sloppy… Damnnnnnnnnn…. WOW it’s fierce. The cream decoration was nice.

    10 min before the end of track 1 there is nothing…? Is this normal?

    That’s all for track 1, let’s go to Track 2

    Okay. We begin the morning following track 1. OK, some everyday life section here and there, and over here, nice. Ooooh, she doesn’t remember? Or… Is it a tactic to shyly dodge the serious question…? Or she is playing dumb…? Ooooooh what? Because, she does seem to remember…. Right…? YUKI TEGRA, always putting some deep bittersweet elements… It did not occur to me that she would use this to forget… Maybe not « use » per se, but, you know what I mean. Oh, she’s nervous, huh? That’s so cute… Oh, she is so cute right now. Man… How do you do that? Oh what? is this… another day but with the same end of the day before? Like, we got drunk a while ago and this transition’d from « yesterday » to « another day »…? Huh? Oh man, I am too tired to try to understand. « The other day » seems to be early in the relationship. She lost her cheekiness and now is less at ease… Or maybe I am reading too much into it… What? This is supposed to be some run-of-the-mill lovey-dovey… Why do that? It’s like a 5-star plating of an everyday meal. It is nice, nothing to interject here, but was it really necessary to add this kind of complexity? But hey, if you plate an everyday meal like a 5-star chef, I won’t complain, just have this question pop up in my head. OH! so it means we won’t get the marriage sequel or anything like that? Damn, well played YUKI TEGRA.

    Hahahahaha the struggle of a new couple… Getting to know each other, …Yeah, it’s funny. HAHAHA the lantern stunt. HAHAHAHA the contrasted shyness of the girl is real fun. Ohhh we are her first one… And she is our first one… We are struggling… So cute… Man… How do you make grownups look cute to other grownups, only with sound… huh

    So yeah track 2 is about the debut of this couple, struggling with V-to-D combat and all that, real cute. I will not listen closely to it now, maybe next time. I prefer the first part. Time for some hand-to-gland combat.

    See you around. Stay cultured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  6. Anonymous

    Oh Ooooooh, the redoutable combo again; Kaede Akino + YUKI TEGRA + Foley. Well, here we go again. Welp, I will come back later, believe me. Just a question : is this the sequel of the for all ages version?

    See you around. Stay cutlured

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

  7. Anonymous

    Oh Ooooooh, the redoutable combo again; Kaede Akino + YUKI TEGRA + Foley. Well, here we go again. Welp, I will come back later, believe me. Just a question : is this the sequel of the for all ages version?

    See you around. Stay cutlured

  8. Anonymous






    まどか・・・CV 秋野かえで

    #1. 二人きりのキャンプとお口えっち
    #2. 焚火の前で激しくお外えっち
    #3. テントの中で甘々密着えっち
    #4. 酔いどれ甘々
    #5. テントの中のイキまくり酔いどれえっち
    #6. キャンプでお休み
    #7. モーニングコーヒーをまどかと
    #8. 初めてのキャンプえっち
    #9. まどかとの日常えっち








  9. Thx admin

    Terugaruki’s foley series has always been my favourite,

    As always thx for the lighting speed updates for terugaruki

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