

CV: Tsubame Yuzuki

RJ Code: RJ01178292

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Last update: 2024/05/25

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  1. Anonymous

    Another installment for the Married Woman series. Here, MC meets up with a childhood friend after 10 years of losing contact. She is married and has a child. To catch up, they drink at MC’s house. She confessed that she knew MC liked her and that she liked him too. Then drunk sex happened and since MC is big, the rest is history.

    What can I say about this one? The human brain is capable of adapting, which is its greatest strength but also its Achilles’ heel. Because of that, after listening to the 10+ works this circle produced, I became used to the animalistic moanings. So my brain was excited mainly by the first part, where the moaning where beginning to become animalistic but where still humanly feasable. There were no phone POV ; since she stayed for the night, the husband could have called because he was worried or some other reason. It’s still very good, tho. my brain is just being picky.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204