

CV: 豊川ゆき

RJ Code: RJ01182376

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Last update: 2024/05/09

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1 comment

  1. Anonymous

    Believe it or not, I actually bought it when it came out, before it was uploaded here. I wanted to try how it feels to buy adult content. It was incredibly cheap, like 10 cents. And I kid you not. The first reaction I had was : “What is this? I gave a chance to AI-generated-cover ASMR and this is what I get? BJ sounds are mid, moans are mid, unrhythmic, SFX ar-“. And mid thought, I was like : “Chill, bro, it’s just 10 cents.”. I don’t know if it’s my french lineage (french people are known to save a lot of money), but man, buying adult content made me picky as AF, even for 10 cents.

    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204