

CV: 美夜

RJ Code: RJ01106363

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Last update: 2023/11/30

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  1. Anonymous

    This reminds me of RJ314129, where the whole focus is on the phone SFX. The whole premise is as follows : MC flunked the university entrance exam, so his best friend, Miyao, and his GF are in the same year while MC is studying for the exam. MC likes netorare, so GF delivers by pretending to cheat on MC. You already know the rest.

    What can I say about this one? We have everything, GF sucking a D pretending to eat ice cream, moaning because some cat is around (granted, there is a cat, but still), the mention of a friend that GF says to not worry about. Be careful if you are using headphones, the /s/ sounds hurt the ears a bit.

    Good luck for DDD,
    Yours truly,
    The french man of culture from RJ300204

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